Begin Again

Greetings! For a couple of years, I switched The Art Therapy Catablog to private after receiving some criticism by one of the "greats" in the field. In retrospect, I think it's fair to say that my reaction was a severe over-reaction, born of my fear of being visible and vulnerable-- of"being in the arena."

The sad effect of my public blog going private was that I stopped contributing to it. I love having a space to record what I'm learning, and I love sharing my thoughts and ideas with interested readers. Being in the field of counseling and art therapy can be difficult and discouraging at times, and we need one another to cope, to grow, to inspire, to connect.

So, with that-- I'm re-establishing this blog as a place to learn and grow and share together. Welcome!

1 comment:

Carolyn Mehlomakulu said...

Hi, I just discovered your blog and wanted to say that I'm glad that you re-started it. As a fellow art therapy blogger (, I can totally relate to the fear of criticism. We are all still learning as we go along, and I love to have blogs like this that I can read to be re-inspired, learn something new, or have a place that I can browse directives when I am needing ideas.

Thanks for sharing what you learn!