Source: (This website has a 2-3 page story called "A Warm Fuzzy Tale," which was originally written by Claude M. Steiner. The Warm Fuzzies intervention is based on this story.
Materials: yarn, scissors (depending on your population, you may want to pre-cut the yarn pieces)
Procedure: 1. Read the story aloud. 2. Cut yarn into 2" strands. Each warm fuzzy will take approximately 10-15 strands, depending on the participant's preference (the more strands, the fuller/fluffier the warm fuzzy will be). 3. Use one strand to tie the rest of the strands together in the center of the bunch. 4. Spread out strands to create desired appearance. 5. (Optional) Trade created warm fuzzies while sharing theoretical warm fuzzies.
Processing questions: Share a time when someone gave you a warm fuzzy. How did it make you feel? Have you ever shared a warm fuzzy with someone else? What was that person's response? What is something you could do right now to share a warm fuzzy? What are the benefits of sharing warm fuzzies?
Share a time when someone gave you a cold prickly. How did it make you feel? Have you ever shared a cold prickly with someone else? What was that person's response? What are the consequences of sharing cold pricklies?
Optional: Pipe cleaners could be substituted in the place of the yarn to make cold pricklies.
Rationale: This intervention helps to concretize the abstract concept of compassion and stimulate discussion about acts of kindness. Ideal for use with elementary-aged children's group working on social skills.