Family Kingdom Drawing

Materials: large sheet of drawing paper (mural paper or posterboard size), drawing utensils of choice
Procedure: Ask clients to draw a picture of the (Insert family name here) Kingdom. Emphasize the importance of each person's contribution to the kingdom to ensure that it is a special "place" for everyone. Explain that every family is different and will create a unique kingdom through a unique process. (For example, some families may choose to discuss their plan beforehand, whereas other families may just start right away and plan as needed.)
Observations: How does the family work together? How does this family approach boundary issues? How do they approach disagreements? Does each person seem to be respected and appreciated for his/her contributions? Do opportunities for praise and/or intervention arise?
Processing: Is there conflict in the kingdom? How can the family work together to protect the kingdom from destruction? What was it like working together to create the kingdom? What are other things in real life that you approach as a team?

4 comments: said...

Kudos to you, Sarah.
Keep up the interesting and meaningful work.
All the best to you. said...

Please accept my apologies for spelling your name wrongly.

Sara Crafton said...

Thanks for the encouragement! said...

Thanks Sara.
Nice idea.
At first glance, i thought it's grounded on model/theories of family therapy by either Bowen or Satir; I'm not very sure. I mean, it's good; then the interpretation of the drawing can be based on some established theories.
Can someone please add to this?
Or Sara already have something in mind when she designed this technique?