Source: originally taken from "Animal Answers" in the book, Stress Breakers. Based on the presentation of my co-worker, Elaine Robinson, LCSW.
Procedure: 1. Think of a problem that you are having a difficult time solving/working through/accepting. Keep that problem loosely in the back in the back of your mind. 2. Now imagine that you are in a beautiful, peaceful place. As you sit in your beautiful place, you look toward the horizon and notice an animal coming into your vision. 3. Once you notice the animal and it comes closer to you, ask it the question you have been trying to answer. Wait patiently for the animal's response.
Processing questions: What was your animal? Were you surprised that that particular creature emerged? Why do suppose that your creative mind chose that particular animal? It may also be useful to talk about the animal in symbolic or mythological terms, if such a meaning is known. Were you suprised at the animal's response to your question? Was this exercise helpful for you? Was it difficult for you to allow your creative mind to voice its opinion?
Rationale: The imaginary animal helps you to get in touch with your true feelings about an issue. Think of how small of a percentage of our brains we actually utilize in our daily lives. Perhaps there is untapped wisdom in our creative minds... We just need a vehicle to reach that wise and creative place. This intervention is one that can be revisited independently as needed, and may provide the participant with an added coping tool for stress management and independent problem-solving.
Adaptations: This guided imagery does not mention an artistic/visual component, but one could easily be added. For example, depict the animal you saw. Recreate on paper, or with 3D materials, your beautiful, peaceful place. Create a totem pole dedicated to your mentor animal.