Group Mandala

Materials: Large sheet of paper (posterboard or larger), variety of drawing utensils

Procedure: Draw a large circle on the paper. Divide the circle so that each member present has a section. Instruct the group to use their section of the circle to draw anything they want. If you need to cross into another person's circle, make sure to get permission.

Processing: How do members approach the task? Do they appear to be comfortable with one another? How do they approach boundary issues? Is the finished product cohesive? If so, in what way? If not, what could make it cohesive?

Rationale: Creates group cohesion, stimulates discussion about similarities and differences, addresses boundary issues

Adaptations: Instead of members drawing anything they want, implement a more specific directive, such as, "Sadness," "Relaxation," "Hope," etc.


HeatherLynn822 said...

Thanks for the great blog... I am a Creative Arts Therapist in NJ always looking for new ideas!

Sara Crafton said...

Wow, thanks!